These images represent many years of drawing and design.
You can see:
- The origins of digital graphics in the videotex screen captures
- Drawings produced using desktop publishing technology
- Design and production for commercial printing and
- Recent web development including animations and interactive graphics.
Clients include small businesses, institutions and some of Canada’s largest corporations.
Banded Peak Challenge Front Page
Clickable Map Buttons
NSERC Chair in Environmental Design
Royal Canadian Pacific Front Page
Bragg Creek Shopping and Services
GIF Animation
Molson Centre exploding view
A Bank Dory
A Variety of Newspaper illustrations
Banded Peak Challenge
braggcreek.ca Bragg Creek Emblem
Daisy Door Flowers and More
Flarit, notification service
Greater Bragg Creek Trails Association
Bragg Creek Map
Locator Map
Quebec Map
Royal Canadian Pacific Tour Map
Making a Killing, map of South Africa
Click here to see all 7 maps in Acrobat